Price increase - October 2024

Price increase - October 2024

As you may well know from seeing articles in the trade press and wider media, green coffee prices are at extreme levels currently.

Climate change is having a tangible impact on our industry and availability of crops globally. Severe heat and floods in

Vietnam and very unseasonable weather in Brazil has hit Robusta production hard. In July of this year Robusta was trading at a 29-year high. The price of $4.700 to the KG V under $2.500 to the KG in October. These prices are unsustainable for us all in the coffee industry. (See attached for details).

Kimbo like all other suppliers source our coffee globally and we have been hit very hard with our blends that have high Robusta contents. The factory in Naples has done as much as they can to mitigate the increases, but coupled with higher shipping costs from Asia due to the issues in the Red Sea we can no longer absorb these extreme costs.

Therefore, as of 7th October 2024 our prices will be increasing by 5% on all products.

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